Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hurrah for the weekend

I've been on call for the last two weekends, and thats meant I've been pretty much stuck at home, waiting for support calls. Now that I'm off call, I finally get to do something!

So today we're going to the Big Smoke, and visiting the Tate Modern (to see their rehang) and some sort of prision museum (which I'm guessing will be a complete bundle of laughs) and fork over some cash at the framing shop, where I've got one of my posters in for framing. Not that I can complain, I guess, as I know they'll have done a good job. I'm just a bit grumpy about paying for it, as its not one of my favourite posters, and I can think of lots of other things I'd rather spend the money on. Still, it will be nice to have it back, and maybe I'll feel different when I see it again.

Before heading off though - in fact, as soon as I finish this post - we've got a run to do. Today is an eight mile run that loops in a circuit through a couple of local villages before swinging back round to home. Its a pretty run, and I don't get too bored with it.

At the moment this is being classed as a 'long run' as its the furthest distance we do, but before Grunty Fen rolls round, we'll have to be another 5 miles further on at least.

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