Saturday, September 16, 2006

Danger, slow runner

I'd been looking forward to doing a long run this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.

But it was not to be - cramps meant I only managed a 6.6 mile run today at a run-n-walk pace of 9:15 per mile. Urgh! At least I went, I suppose, but tomorrow I'll make sure I take tablets before I go, and hopefully manage a lot better.

I did consider going for a second run later on, now that I feel a bit better, but the other half didn't feel like it, and to be honest, I didn't really. Tomorrow will be longer, but at least even if I don't manage more than the eight miler I'm thinking of, we've still covered 31 miles this week, including today, so over the week the mileage ain't too bad.

Still no membership numbers from the RRA. Okay, so its not even been a week yet, but I'm getting twitchy. I want to sign up for the Great Eastern, as miserable and depressing as it looks. I guess maybe I was a little spoilt, doing Grunty Fen first. It was pretty. The Great Eastern appears just to be a run through gloomy housing estates and underpasses. I suppose at least it'll encourage me to get a good time - I'll be running faster just to get out of there!


Irish Blue said...

It's tough when you hit those stumbling blocks, but hang in there!

Faithful Soles said...

How has your running been going since September? I hope all is well. I agree with Irishblue, hang in there. If you get a chance, please visit my running web site, Faithful Soles. I have a categorized and searchable Running Blog Database on there and would appreciate it if you would link your blog to it.